Blind Russian Cocktail Recipe

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Blind Russian Nutrition Facts





Alcohol %:20%

Created by

Nic Polotnianko

I fell in love with the art of mixology 6 years ago. Since then, I've honed my skills, crafting a myriad of cocktail recipes, and sharing my passion with other enthusiasts.

Last Updated: January 7, 2024


The Blind Russian is a variation of the classic White Russian cocktail. The White Russian, made famous by the film 'The Big Lebowski', is a creamy, coffee-flavored cocktail typically made with vodka, coffee liqueur, and cream. The Blind Russian substitutes the cream with Baileys Irish Cream, adding a hint of chocolate and a smooth, velvety texture. This cocktail is perfect for those who enjoy sweet, creamy drinks with a kick.

How Blind Russian Tastes?

The Blind Russian is a rich, creamy cocktail with a strong coffee flavor. The Baileys adds a hint of chocolate and a velvety texture, while the vodka provides a sharp, clean kick. It's sweet, but not overly so, with a slight bitterness from the coffee liqueur.

Interesting facts about Blind Russian

  • The Blind Russian is a variation of the White Russian, which was named after the anti-Bolshevik White Army during the Russian Civil War.
  • Despite its name, the White Russian and by extension the Blind Russian, have no known Russian origin. The name likely comes from the use of vodka, a stereotypically Russian spirit.
  • The Blind Russian gets its name from the substitution of Baileys Irish Cream for the cream, 'blinding' the Russian.


A few good options for Blind Russian are:

  • Grey Goose
  • Belvedere
  • Khor
  • Smirnoff

Learn everything on which Vodka to choose


The clean, crisp profile of vodka at 1.5 oz is the backbone of the Blind Russian, giving it that alcoholic kick without overpowering the creaminess of Baileys and the coffee flavor of Kahlua. Vodka's neutrality lets the other ingredients shine. Less vodka, and you might not even know it's there; more, and it could steal the show. As an alternative, some might use a flavored vodka to add a twist.

Mary Mitkina

Baileys Irish Cream

At 1 oz, Baileys adds smoothness and a touch of sweetness, marrying well with the stronger coffee and alcohol notes. It's like the cream in your coffee, but boozy. Without it, you lose the Blind Russian's signature velvet touch. You could switch to a different cream liqueur, which might alter the profile – imagine a hint of almond with Amaretto cream.

Mary Mitkina


Also at 1 oz, Kahlua brings the distinctive coffee flavor critical to the cocktail’s identity. The sweetness and depth it contributes balance the vodka perfectly. Skip it, and you're missing the symphony's conductor – nothing quite comes together. An alternative coffee liqueur could work if necessary, but Kahlua is the gold standard here.

Alex Green

Recipe. How to make Blind Russian Drink

  1. Fill a rocks glass with ice cubes.
  2. Pour the vodka, Baileys, and Kahlua over the ice.
  3. Stir until well combined.
  4. Serve and enjoy!

Pro Tips

  • Use high-quality vodka for a smoother taste.
  • For a colder cocktail, chill your vodka and Baileys before use.
  • For a vegan version, use a dairy-free Irish Cream.

Perfect Pairings

Food Pairings

  • Chocolate desserts: The creamy and coffee notes of a Blind Russian pair beautifully with the rich and sweet profiles of chocolate cakes or truffles.
  • Nuts: Salted nuts like almonds or cashews can provide a nice textural contrast and complement the nutty notes of the Irish cream.
  • Cheese: A plate of creamy and rich cheeses such as brie or camembert can match the luxurious texture of this cocktail.
  • Coffee-flavored desserts: Since the cocktail has coffee liqueur, it would go well with tiramisu or coffee-infused chocolate mousse.

Drink Pairings

  • Coffee: A cup of joe can extend the coffee flavor from the Kahlua making for a great after-dinner combo.
  • Chilled water: To cleanse the palate between sips and maintain hydration.

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What you could change in Blind Russian

If you don't have Baileys, you can substitute it with any other Irish Cream liqueur. If you prefer a less sweet cocktail, you can replace the Kahlua with a coffee-infused vodka.

Explore all drinks starting with B here

And of course - twists🍹

Espresso Blind Russian

  • Add a shot of espresso to the original recipe.
  • Amplifies the coffee flavor and adds a caffeine kick.
  • It'll give an extra layer of depth and a more pronounced coffee profile.

White Chocolate Blind Russian

  • Swap out Baileys for white chocolate liqueur.
  • Will bring a sweeter, creamier taste to the cocktail.
  • Ideal for those who like their drinks a bit on the sweeter, dessert-like side.

Nutty Blind Russian

  • Use a hazelnut liqueur such as Frangelico instead of Baileys.
  • Infuses the drink with a nutty dimension and tones down the creaminess.
  • It's a twist for those who want less of a creamy taste and enjoy the flavor of nuts in their cocktails.

In case you forgot basics how to make Blind Russian

Insert the spoon into the glass until it touches the bottom. Keep the back of the spoon against the inside wall of the glass, and stir in a smooth, circular motion. The goal is to swirl the ice and ingredients together without churning or splashing.

Learn everything on how to stir

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Frequently Asked Questions on Blind Russian

Can I make the Blind Russian without alcohol?

Yes, you can substitute the vodka with sparkling water and the Baileys and Kahlua with non-alcoholic versions or coffee and a dairy-free creamer.

Is the Blind Russian a dessert cocktail?

It can be! Its richness and creamy texture make it perfect for after dinner.

What is the best time to drink a Blind Russian?

The Blind Russian is versatile. It can be a nightcap due to its rich and creamy texture, or it can be enjoyed as an after dinner drink.

What goes well with a Blind Russian?

Given its rich and creamy flavors, it pairs well with desserts, particularly chocolate or coffee based ones.

Is there a way to enhance the taste of my Blind Russian?

Yes, you may add a spritz of orange or a splash of nutmeg to add complexity to the cocktail's flavor.

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