Black Cat Cocktail Recipe

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Created by

Nic Polotnianko

I fell in love with the art of mixology 6 years ago. Since then, I've honed my skills, crafting a myriad of cocktail recipes, and sharing my passion with other enthusiasts.

Last Updated: January 7, 2024


The Black Cat cocktail is a mysterious and alluring drink that has been enjoyed by many for its unique flavor and dark appearance. It is said to have originated in the 1920s during the Prohibition era, when speakeasies were the go-to places for a night out. The Black Cat was a popular choice among those who wanted to indulge in something a little more daring and adventurous.

  • The name 'Black Cat' is believed to be inspired by the superstition surrounding black cats as symbols of bad luck and mystery.
  • This cocktail is perfect for those who enjoy dark, complex flavors and a touch of mystique.
  • It has become a popular choice for Halloween parties and other themed events.

How Black Cat Tastes?

The Black Cat cocktail is a rich, velvety drink with a complex flavor profile. It is slightly sweet with a hint of bitterness, and has a smooth, creamy texture. The combination of coffee liqueur, vodka, and cola creates a bold, robust taste that is both refreshing and satisfying.

Interesting facts about Black Cat

  • The Black Cat is often served in a tall glass, allowing the layers of ingredients to be visible and creating an eye-catching presentation.
  • Some variations of the Black Cat include a splash of cream or milk, adding to the drink's smooth, luxurious texture.
  • The cocktail's dark appearance is a result of the coffee liqueur and cola, which give it a deep, almost black color.


A few good options for Black Cat are:

  • Grey Goose
  • Belvedere
  • Khor
  • Smirnoff

Learn everything on which Vodka to choose

Coffee Liqueur

  • Why 1 oz: The perfect amount to infuse the cocktail with a rich coffee aroma without overpowering. Just right for taste buds craving that coffee kick.
  • Without it: You'd lose the moody essence and depth of the Black Cat, turning it into a simple vodka-cola mix.
  • Alternatives: Using espresso or a coffee-flavored syrup can adjust the caffeine punch but might affect the sweetness level.

Alex Green


  • Why 1 oz: Balances the strong flavor of coffee liqueur while keeping the drink smooth.
  • Without it: You'd miss the 'cat's claw' in terms of potency, and the cocktail might be too mellow.
  • Alternatives: Substituting with white rum might bring a sweeter, more playful twist to the drink.

Emma Rose


  • Why 4 oz: Fills the glass, adding a sweet, bubbly personality to the cocktail and diluting the strong alcohol content for a more enjoyable sip.
  • Without it: The drink would be too strong and not as refreshing; the cola also adds a layer of complexity with its caramel notes.

Mary Mitkina


  • As needed: It chills the drink, making it more refreshing and diluting the flavors slightly for a subtle blending.
  • Without it: The drink would quickly become warm and lose its fresh edge.

Alex Green


  • Garnish: It's the purr-fect final touch that adds a pop of color and a hint of fruity sweetness to the cocktail.
  • Without it: You would miss out on the playful visual element and the subtle flavor twist it provides when nibbled alongside the drink.

Emma Rose

Recipe. How to make Black Cat Drink

  1. Fill a tall glass with ice.
  2. Pour 1 oz of coffee liqueur over the ice.
  3. Add 1 oz of vodka to the glass.
  4. Top with 4 oz of cola, gently pouring it over the back of a spoon to create a layered effect.
  5. Garnish with a cherry on a cocktail pick, placing it on top of the ice.

Pro Tips

  • Use high-quality ingredients for the best flavor. The quality of your coffee liqueur and vodka will greatly affect the taste of your Black Cat cocktail.
  • Chill your glass before making the cocktail to keep it cold for longer.
  • Stir gently after adding the cola to mix the flavors without disrupting the layered effect.

Perfect Pairings

Snacks and Appetizers

  • Salty Nuts: Enhance the sweet and strong flavor of the cocktail with some salty crunch.
  • Bacon-Wrapped Dates: The sweet and smoky flavor will complement the deep tones of the coffee liqueur.


  • Chocolate Cake: The rich flavors of chocolate and coffee are a classic combination and pair delightfully.
  • Vanilla Ice Cream: The smooth, creamy texture provides a good balance to the fizzy cola and strong alcohol undertones in the cocktail.

Coffee Flavored Treats

  • Tiramisu: The coffee layers in the dessert echo the coffee liqueur in the Black Cat for a harmonious pairing.

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What you could change in Black Cat

  • You can substitute the coffee liqueur with a chocolate liqueur for a sweeter, less bitter flavor.
  • Rum can be used instead of vodka for a different twist on the Black Cat.
  • If you don't have cola, root beer can be used as a substitute.

Explore all drinks starting with B here

And of course - twists🍹

Espresso Black Cat

  • Ingredients: Coffee liqueur, espresso vodka, cola, ice, and an orange twist.
  • Recipe: Replace the regular vodka with espresso vodka for an extra coffee flavor and garnish with an orange twist for a citrus aroma.
  • Taste: It has a more intense coffee profile; the citrus notes cut through the sweetness for a refined experience.

White Chocolate Black Cat

  • Ingredients: Coffee liqueur, vanilla vodka, cream soda, ice, and white chocolate shavings for garnish.
  • Recipe: Swap the vodka and cola for vanilla vodka and cream soda, and top with white chocolate shavings.
  • Taste: A creamier and sweeter variant with a dessert-like appeal and a velvety finish.

Spicy Black Cat

  • Ingredients: Coffee liqueur, chili-infused vodka, cola, ice, and a chili pepper for garnish.
  • Recipe: Use chili-infused vodka in place of plain vodka and garnish with a small chili pepper.
  • Taste: Introduces a warm spice that contrasts with the sweet cola and coffee, creating a daring concoction for the brave of heart.

In case you forgot basics how to make Black Cat

Garnishing a bar drink depends on the type of garnish and the cocktail. Generally, it involves preparing the garnish (like cutting a citrus wheel or picking a sprig of mint), and then adding it to the drink in a visually appealing way (like perching it on the rim or floating it on top).

Learn everything on garnishing

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Frequently Asked Questions on Black Cat

What other drinks could one brand under 'speakeasy cocktails'?

Speakeasy cocktails often have a hint of mystery and adventure to them, owing to the secrecy and unlawfulness of speakeasies during Prohibition. Drinks like the Sidecar, Bees Knees, Manhattan, and Sazerac could all qualify.

Is the Black Cat cocktail suitable for all ages?

No, because it contains alcoholic beverages like vodka and coffee liqueur, it should only be consumed by individuals who are of legal drinking age.

What's the difference between using ice cubes versus crushed ice in a cocktail?

Ice cubes melt slower, which makes the drink less watered down. Crushed ice provides an immediate chill and becomes part of the drink quickly.

What's the best way to try a cocktail that I'm unsure about its taste?

Start off by drinking a smaller quantity. For the Black Cat, you could reduce the measures by half. If you like it, you may then proceed to have a full drink.

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