Artillery Cocktail Recipe

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Artillery Nutrition Facts






Created by

Nic Polotnianko

I fell in love with the art of mixology 6 years ago. Since then, I've honed my skills, crafting a myriad of cocktail recipes, and sharing my passion with other enthusiasts.

Last Updated: January 7, 2024


The Artillery cocktail is a classic gin-based drink that dates back to the early 20th century. It is believed to have been named after the British Royal Artillery, as it packs a powerful punch. This cocktail is perfect for those who enjoy strong, spirit-forward drinks with a hint of sweetness and bitterness.

  • Originated in the early 20th century
  • Named after the British Royal Artillery
  • Ideal for fans of strong, spirit-forward cocktails

How Artillery Tastes?

The Artillery cocktail has a bold, robust flavor profile with a perfect balance of sweetness and bitterness. It is strong, slightly sweet, and herbal with a hint of citrus.

Interesting facts about Artillery

  • The Artillery cocktail is sometimes referred to as a 'cousin' of the classic Martini
  • It is traditionally served in a chilled cocktail glass, also known as a Martini glass
  • The use of orange bitters adds a subtle citrus note to the drink


A few good options for Artillery are:

  • Brockmans
  • Silent Pool Gin
  • Hendrick's Gin

Learn everything on which Gin to choose


Gin is the spirit base of the cocktail, providing a mix of botanical flavors that can range from juniper-heavy to floral or citrusy, depending on the brand. It's what gives the Artillery its 'boom'! Using 2 oz keeps the drink strong without overpowering the other flavors. Too little and you'll miss the gin's character; too much and you're marching towards a martini.

Alex Green

Sweet Vermouth

This aromatized, fortified wine adds sweetness and complexity. It's like the diplomat balancing the oomph of gin and the zing of bitters. At 1 oz, it's enough to smooth the edges without turning the battlefield into a syrupy mess. If omitted, you might as well be sipping a Gin & Tonic.

Mary Mitkina

Orange Bitters

A couple of dashes of orange bitters is like the secret weapon, a subtle yet powerful touch that can make or break your cocktail's peace treaty. They bring in a citrusy, spiced depth that gives the Artillery its layered flavor profile. No bitters? No edge. It's that simple.

Emma Rose

Recipe. How to make Artillery Drink

  1. Chill the cocktail glass: Place the cocktail glass in the freezer for a few minutes to chill it.
  2. Combine ingredients: In a mixing glass, combine the gin, sweet vermouth, and orange bitters.
  3. Stir: Fill the mixing glass with ice and stir the mixture for 20-30 seconds until well chilled.
  4. Strain: Strain the mixture into the chilled cocktail glass.
  5. Garnish: Optionally, garnish the drink with a lemon twist or an orange peel.

Pro Tips

  • Gin: Use a high-quality gin for a smoother taste.
  • Stirring: Stir the cocktail gently to avoid diluting it too much.
  • Garnish: A lemon twist can add a fresh citrusy note to the cocktail.

Perfect Pairings


  • Charcuterie Boards: The herbal notes of gin blend well with cured meats and various cheeses.
  • Grilled Shrimp: The citrus from the garnish and the orange bitters complement seafood nicely.

Main Courses

  • Roast Chicken: The botanicals in gin and the richness of sweet vermouth can stand up to the savory flavors of a nicely roasted chicken.
  • Pasta with Cream Sauces: The cocktail's crispness cuts through the creaminess of the sauce.


  • Dark Chocolate: The bitterness of the chocolate will harmonize with the herbal and bitter notes of the cocktail.
  • Lemon Tart: The zestiness of the lemon in both the tart and garnish can tie the pairing together.

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What you could change in Artillery

  • Gin: You can substitute gin with vodka if you prefer a less botanical flavor.
  • Sweet Vermouth: Dry vermouth can be used for a less sweet cocktail.
  • Orange Bitters: If you don't have orange bitters, you can use Angostura bitters.

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And of course - twists🍹

Smoky Artillery

  • Use a smoky gin or add a few drops of a smoky Scotch to the mix.
  • Increase vermouth to 1.5 oz for balance.
  • Recipe remains the same, adding smoked salt on the rim for a more explosive experience.
  • Taste Change: Expect a richer, more robust cocktail with a warming smoky finish, perfect for those who want to bring a cannon to the flavor fight.

Citrus Burst Artillery

  • Substitute the gin with a citrus-forward gin or add a splash of lemon or lime juice.
  • Add an extra dash of orange bitters.
  • Recipe follows similarly, but garnish with a sizable citrus wheel for an extra zesty presentation.
  • Taste Change: A tangier, brighter cocktail, ideal for those sunny days when you're dodging bullets at a garden party.

Herbal Artillery

  • Use an herb-infused gin or add a sprig of rosemary or thyme to the mix.
  • Keep vermouth at 1 oz, but stir with the herbs before adding ice.
  • Strain as usual and garnish with a fresh herb sprig.
  • Taste Change: Emphasizes the botanical aspect for a garden-fresh sip that might just camouflage with the flora around your artillery unit.

In case you forgot basics how to make Artillery

Place your chosen strainer on top of the shaker or mixing glass, ensuring a secure fit. Pour the cocktail into a glass through the strainer, which will catch solid ingredients and ice. If double straining, hold the fine mesh strainer between the shaker and the glass.

Learn everything on how to strain

Insert the spoon into the glass until it touches the bottom. Keep the back of the spoon against the inside wall of the glass, and stir in a smooth, circular motion. The goal is to swirl the ice and ingredients together without churning or splashing.

Learn everything on how to stir

Garnishing a bar drink depends on the type of garnish and the cocktail. Generally, it involves preparing the garnish (like cutting a citrus wheel or picking a sprig of mint), and then adding it to the drink in a visually appealing way (like perching it on the rim or floating it on top).

Learn everything on garnishing

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Frequently Asked Questions on Artillery

What are the benefits of using orange bitters in the Artillery cocktail besides the citrus flavor?

Orange bitters can enhance the flavors of the cocktail, bringing out the botanical tones of the gin and the sweet complexity of the vermouth.

Are there any non-alcoholic variations of the Artillery cocktail?

Yes, you can replace the gin and sweet vermouth with non-alcoholic alternatives available in the market, and keep the orange bitters for flavoring.

How does the taste and feel of Artillery differ if vodka is used instead of gin?

Vodka will make the cocktail smoother and lighter, erasing the botanical flavor prevalent when gin is used.

What can I replace Orange Bitters with if I'm out?

If you don't have orange bitters at hand, Angostura bitters or even grapefruit bitters can serve as a decent replacement.

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