Tequila Sunrise Cocktail History

July 23, 2023
Nic Polotnianko


The Tequila Sunrise is a cocktail that has stood the test of time. Its vibrant colors and refreshing taste have made it a favorite among cocktail enthusiasts. But where did this iconic drink come from? Let's dive into the history of the Tequila Sunrise.

The Origins of the Tequila Sunrise

The story of the Tequila Sunrise begins with a man named Gene Sulit. In the late 1930s and early '40s, Sulit was a bartender at the Arizona Biltmore Hotel. It was here that he is believed to have created the original version of the Tequila Sunrise.

Another theory suggests that the Tequila Sunrise was a welcome drink for tourists visiting Cancun and Acapulco in the 1950s. However, the connection to Sulit and the Arizona Biltmore Hotel is more widely accepted.

The Transformation of the Tequila Sunrise

The Tequila Sunrise, with its vibrant layers of color and refreshing taste, has a history as rich and exciting as its flavor. One of the most fascinating chapters in its story involves the legendary rock band, The Rolling Stones.

In the early 1970s, the Tequila Sunrise was enjoying a resurgence in popularity, thanks to bartenders Bobby Lazoff and Billy Rice at The Trident, a trendy restaurant in Sausalito, California. The Trident was a hotspot for celebrities, and it was here that the Rolling Stones were introduced to the Tequila Sunrise.

In 1972, the Rolling Stones were gearing up for their American tour, aptly named the "Stones Touring Party" but often referred to as the "Cocaine and Tequila Sunrise" tour. Before the tour kicked off, the band held a pre-tour party at The Trident. It was at this party that Mick Jagger, the band's lead vocalist, had his first taste of the Tequila Sunrise. He was so taken with the cocktail that it quickly became the band's drink of choice for the duration of the tour.

The Rolling Stones' endorsement of the Tequila Sunrise had a significant impact on the cocktail's popularity. As the band traveled across America, they took the Tequila Sunrise with them. Fans and followers of the band, eager to emulate their rock 'n' roll idols, started ordering Tequila Sunrises at bars and clubs, leading to a nationwide surge in the cocktail's popularity.

The band's association with the Tequila Sunrise wasn't just limited to their American tour. The cocktail also made an appearance in the band's private jet, where trays of Tequila Sunrises were served during flights. The band's jet, a customized Boeing 720, was a symbol of their rock 'n' roll excess, and the Tequila Sunrise fit right in with the jet's decadent image.

The Rolling Stones' love for the Tequila Sunrise was also immortalized in their music. The band's 1973 album, "Goats Head Soup," features a song titled "Coming Down Again," in which Keith Richards sings about drinking Tequila Sunrises. The song's lyrics, "Coming down again, where are all my friends? Coming down again, coming down alone... On the mainline... Tequila Sunrise," are a testament to the band's fondness for the cocktail.

The Rolling Stones' endorsement of the Tequila Sunrise was more than just a passing fad. It was a significant factor in the cocktail's enduring popularity. The band's association with the drink helped to cement its status as a classic cocktail, synonymous with rock 'n' roll glamour and excess.

Today, the Tequila Sunrise continues to be a popular choice for cocktail enthusiasts around the world. Its association with the Rolling Stones adds to its allure, serving as a reminder of a time when rock 'n' roll was as much about the lifestyle as it was about the music. The Tequila Sunrise, with its vibrant colors and refreshing taste, is more than just a cocktail; it's a piece of rock 'n' roll history.

The Original Tequila Sunrise Recipe vs. The Modern Recipe

The original Tequila Sunrise recipe created by Sulit was quite different from the one we know today. It consisted of:

  • Tequila
  • Lime juice
  • Crème de cassis
  • Club soda

Over time, the recipe evolved into the modern version, which includes:

  • Tequila
  • Orange juice
  • Grenadine

The shift from lime juice, crème de cassis, and club soda to orange juice and grenadine has made the Tequila Sunrise more accessible and easier to prepare, contributing to its enduring popularity.

Tequila Sunrise Recipe

  1. Fill a highball glass with ice.
  2. Pour 2oz of tequila over the ice.
  3. Add 4oz of orange juice to the glass and stir gently.
  4. Slowly pour 0.5oz of grenadine into the glass, allowing it to sink to the bottom and create the 'sunrise' effect.
  5. Garnish with an orange slice and a maraschino cherry.

Read more below:

Tequila Sunrise

The Old Fashioned has a rich, complex taste that is both sweet and bitter. The whiskey provides a strong, warming base, while the sugar and bitters add a touch of sweetness and a hint of spice. The orange and cherry garnish add a subtle fruity note.

The Tequila Sunrise has a rich history that spans several decades. From its origins at the Arizona Biltmore Hotel to its transformation at The Trident, this cocktail has evolved while maintaining its status as a beloved drink. As we continue to enjoy the Tequila Sunrise, we also celebrate the history and evolution that have made it what it is today.

The Tequila Sunrise Today

Today, the Tequila Sunrise is more than just a cocktail; it's a symbol of celebration, a staple in popular culture, and a drink that has inspired numerous variations.

The Tequila Sunrise has made its mark in movies, songs, and other forms of media. It's been mentioned in songs by artists like The Eagles and Cypress Hill, and it's made appearances in movies like "Tequila Sunrise" and "From Dusk Till Dawn". Its vibrant colors and refreshing taste have made it a popular choice in media, further cementing its place in cocktail history.

Variations of the Tequila Sunrise

Over the years, the Tequila Sunrise has inspired a number of variations, including:

  • The Tequila Sunset: This variation replaces the grenadine with blackberry brandy and adds a splash of soda.
  • The Florida Sunrise: This version uses half orange juice and half pineapple juice for a tropical twist.

When making a Tequila Sunrise, remember these tips for the perfect cocktail:

  • Use fresh orange juice for the best flavor.
  • Pour the grenadine slowly around the inside edge of the glass to create the "sunrise" effect.
  • Don't stir the drink after adding the grenadine.


The Tequila Sunrise continues to be a popular cocktail choice today, thanks to its vibrant colors, refreshing taste, and rich history. Whether it's being enjoyed at a beachside bar or featured in a movie scene, the Tequila Sunrise remains a testament to the enduring appeal of well-crafted cocktails.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the history of the Tequila Sunrise cocktail?

The Tequila Sunrise was first created by Gene Sulit at the Arizona Biltmore Hotel in the late 1930s and early '40s. It was later popularized in the 1970s by bartenders Bobby Lazoff and Billy Rice at The Trident.

What is a fun fact about the Tequila Sunrise?

The Tequila Sunrise got a boost in popularity when it was named the official drink of the Rolling Stones' "Cocaine and Tequila Sunrise" tour.

Where does the Tequila Sunrise originate from?

The Tequila Sunrise is believed to have originated at the Arizona Biltmore Hotel in Phoenix, Arizona.

The Tequila Sunrise gained significant popularity in the 1970s, thanks in part to its endorsement by the Rolling Stones.


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